Blog Like an Artist — The Art of Blogging

This posting inspired me..... “When Van Gogh was a young man in his early twenties, he was in London studying to be a clergyman. He had no thought of being an artist at all. He sat in his cheap little room writing a letter to his younger brother in Holland, whom he loved very much. [...]

The Call

The palm reader bleeped and the steel door clicked ajar. Mark Alfred Evans MP pulled on the handle with more confidence than he felt. The buzz in the Secure Conference Room was deafening. On sighting their Minister of the Crown, the melee of uniforms and government grandees hushed to a dull roar. The head man [...]

Lanky Lenny

  Lanky Lenny!’ - the other kids would parrot after him at school. For Lenny was surely lanky. He was quite small before his teens. Everyone said -’He’ll sprout!’ And that he did - beyond the expectations of his mother, his Aunt Sofie and that complaining neighbour next door. Lenny definitely became lanky.   The [...]

Careful Living

He picked a paperclip off the floor and placed it precisely on her desk. He also sighed as if she had nearly thrown away the company’s annual profits. With as much restraint as she could muster, she said ‘thank you, Albert! Nearly lost the Crown Jewels there.’ The irony was lost on him as was [...]

Deck Chair

The woman sat on the deck chair looking out to sea imagining a far-off ship going to the tropics. There it would find the warmth she had never experienced. She enjoyed a good life in a material sense at least. In personal relationships, she had been less fortunate. And so, she could buy a gift for [...]

Hardwick Pair

  Together the surveyed Hardwick’s glassy lake. Reflected in it, was their constellation far up in the starry sky. They had seen it often and as a couple, they would gaze at it again. For they together had weathered their own storms and days of darkness. And so, as one, they were forever bound. But [...]